Bumblebee Conservation – Green Match Fund

The Bumblebee Conservation Trust have launched an exciting new project for one week only!

To support expanding their ‘Skills for Bees: Scotland’, work into the Cairngorms National Park, they have a fabulous opportunity to raise funding for this project, which will help to safeguard the future of bumblebees in the UK’s largest National Park.

Thanks to match funding from ‘The Big Give’ they’re well on their way to raising £20,000 towards this project.

This will enable them to work with local communities to identify and survey bumblebees, and give valuable information about some of our scarce and priority species, including the Broken-belted bumblebee (Bombus soroeensis), the Moss Carder bumblebee (Bombus muscorum) and the Bilberry or Blaeberry bumblebee (Bombus monticola).

If you feel like helping them achieve their target, please click on the link below to donate this week (closes lunchtime Friday 29th April!), and your donation will be doubled (at no extra cost to you!).


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